Checking in

Just checking in with my blog friends! I am happy to report that I am still working out at the gym and still running. I’m not doing either as much as I’d like…but I am averaging at least 3 days a week of exercise. I’ve been increasing my weights at the gym and I am up to 70 lbs for my “heavy set” on the bench press and squatting 95lbs!

Kelsey tells me that I should give Bikram yoga a try. Hmmm, maybe in the fall. Any “Bikram-ers” out there? What are your thoughts?

Lastly, I am happy to report that I am down another pound. (I know it doesn’t sound like much but I am in the home stretch so it is s – l – o – w). Two more to go to reach my goal of 13 in total! Oh let’s make it 3 to go and change the goal to 14. That will give me some wiggle room to have an ice cream now and then!

How are you all doing with your exercise and/or diet goals? Sometimes sharing can help you get motivated and keep you on track!

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