Tag Archives: DOMS


I did some weight training on Tuesday, and yesterday I didn’t even feel like I had exercised.  But today is a different story.  I feel every muscle!  Actually this is a typical response.  It is called DOMS — Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

DOMS typically the muscle discomfort that is typically felt 2 days after exercise (although it can show up the next day, or even 3 days after exercise).  The exact cause of DOMS is unknown but one theory is that it is caused by the breakdown of muscular fibers which occur during strength programs. The breakdown allows the muscles to grow stronger and larger.

Others believe that DOMS is not caused by the pain from damaged muscle cells, but from the building up process. The muscle responds to training by reinforcing itself up to and above its previous strength by increasing the size of muscle fibers.  This reinforcement process causes the cells to swell put pressure on nerves and arteries, producing the discomfort.

Luckily, I know tomorrow the DOMS will be gone and I’ll be back at the gym!