Tag Archives: lose weight

Weigh This

I bought a scale today.  You may recall I got mad at mine and threw it away quite some time ago.  And now, since the gym I go to doesn’t think it is wise to have a scale in the locker room, (I guess it is too “judgmental”),  I have been scale-less for a while.

Well I’ve been exercising and eating well, and my clothes have been fitting better, so I figured it was safe to purchase a scale ….

Last night I got on the scale and wasn’t at all happy with the result (or lack of results).  I know, “it’s only a number”, “what matters is how you feel”, yeah I know.  but I’ll feel better if that  number moved in a downward direction.  I decided I’d try again in the morning.  This morning’s result was a bit better, down about 3 pounds since the fall when I started really concentrating on eating well.  I’d like to lose 3 more pounds, but I’ll give myself to mid-April or so as that is a healthy weight loss of about 1/2 a pound a week.