Tag Archives: gym

Motivation — not!

This is the time of day when I say, hmmmm it’s 4:00, I could go to yoga at 6:15.  I have plenty of time… but then when would I eat.  Well, I could have a small snack now and then I could eat at 7:30.  Sounds good.

OK, I’ve had my snack, now let’s see what else should I do for the next hour and a half before class?  I don’t want to get too involved because if I do, I will miss the class.  But, I hate to do nothing and just wait.  Well I have to drive home, that will take about a half an hour.  Maybe I’ll go for a walk before class…maybe I’ll walk to class.  No, that won’t work, it will be dark when class is over and I don’t want to walk home in the dark.

How about I just go to yoga tomorrow?  Yeah that will work.  I’ll go home and then go for a nice walk (in the light).   Well, why not go to the gym?  I haven’t been there in a while.  I could go for a walk, then go to the gym.  Well if I’m going to do that, I might as well run, it will take less time.  No, I am not psyched up to run today.

OK here’s the plan.  Go home.  On the way decide what to do, walk, gym, run, yoga…or just make dinner…..

I’ll report back later


OK, leaving now to

I went to the gym today.


I went to the gym today, as a matter of fact I exercised today, for the first time in 38 days.  Will this be the day I restart my fitness-centered life?  Let me back up.  I have been exercising regularly and rigorously for 20 years (minus the last 3 years).  I used to run 20 miles a week, I lifted weights, ran three half marathons, three 10 mile races, and countless 10k and 5k races.  I skied, snowboarded, ice skated, hiked, rollerbladed.  I had a house full of fitness equipment.  I easily exceeded the recommended 10,000 steps a day.

But then I stopped.  A combination of personal issues led me to alter every aspect of my life, including my fitness routine.  I’ve been trying to get back into it ever since.  In the past 3 years I joined 3 different gyms.  In total I’ve gone a total of 7 times  I even started running.  I was up to 4 miles three times a week, but then I stopped.

But, I went to the gym today…