Category Archives: Self Help

Time in the Garden has Mental and Physical Health Benefits

I spent a few hours yesterday working in my garden and with my flower boxes.  

2013-07-09 11.02.12 2013-07-15 09.52.28 2013-07-15 09.52.42 2013-07-15 09.53.12 2013-07-15 09.54.39

I enjoy gardening, it is fun, the results are rewarding,  it get me out in the fresh air, it provides exercise and much needed vitamin D in the form of sunshine!    As it turns out these heath benefits of gardening are well documented by research:

Gardening improves our mental attitude.  Did you know that according to a Texas A&M study, gardeners have more “zest for life” and greater optimism.   A recent study in the Netherlands found gardening for even just 30 minutes fights stress even better than other relaxing leisure activities.  Not only did these people report being in a better mood, but they had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

 Yard work and gardening is a form of  weight-bearing exercise (pulling weeds, digging holes, lugging around soil, mulch, etc).  A University of Arkansas study found that women gardeners have lower rates of osteoporosis than women who just do aerobic exercise.

Studies also show that gardening help people with depression and anxiety disorders.  As a matter of fact, there is a whole field of medicine called horticultural therapy that helps people deal with depression, anxiety and sleep issues. 

Some research suggests that the physical activity associated with gardening can help lower the risk of developing dementia.  Studies have shown that older adults who garden regularly had a 36% and 47% lower risk of dementia than non-gardeners.  While these studies are preliminary, they point to the idea that the physical and mental activity involved in gardening may have a positive influence on the mind.

Gardening helps calm agitation, leading to better sleep patterns and improved quality of sleep.

And of course if you grow vegetables, there is the nutritional benefit of eating fresh veggies!






Try Pen and Paper!

pen-and-paperAs you may know, I am a firm believer in sending hand writing letters to friends, relatives and business associates. 

I even make it a new year’s resolution to send a card or letter each week

Peter ScottToday I’d like to present a guest post from Peter Scott Stringham.  Peter is a Certified Law of Attraction facilitator and teacher of prosperity, neuro-linguistic programming, goal setting and true success.  You can find out more about Peter Scott and his workshops here:

Peter has written a great post on the value of writing things down by hand.

“When we take the time to write by hand, we engage in a more reflective mode of thinking, the first requirement of greater creativity.”

Richard Restak

I invite you to take something you have been typing regularly and try hand writing it instead.  Preferable, it should be something that draws on your creative, right brained side.  Some possibilities:

  • a business plan
  • creative writing- a story about something that happened in your life perhaps
  • a blog post (to be typed in later)
  • a letter to a friend or relative (remember those?)
  • the book you are working on (Steven King, John le Carre and JK Rowling are among the authors who do all their writing by hand)
  • journaling

Neurologist and author Richard Restak says that writing longhand forces you to think more deeply and calmly about what you are trying to say.   “When we take time to write (by hand),” Resak has written, “we engage in a more reflective mode of thinking, the first requirement of greater creativity.”

When I am writing, I feel a glow in my chest, warmth that comes from having tapped into my divine-Self.  Writing is the gateway to a world of thoughts that I never knew were inside of me.  It feels so good to write I don’t know why I’ve done so little of it these past few years.

I’ve resolved to connect myself back up to my joy by writing daily once again.  By hand.  And producing my newsletter weekly and blogging regularly (heck, Seth Godin does it and has hardly missed a day in years).

And yes, I hand wrote this posting before typing it.  Felt great.

Checking in with 2013 Goals and Resolution

Today, with the weather firmly established as summer-like (again going into the 90’s), it seems like a good time to check in with those goals I had set back in January.  To see if I am on track, and also to see if I need to modify some!


See the positive in every situation, or to follow the advise of  a fellow blogger, play the Glad Game; Don’t fret over or complain about issues; either act to change it or accept it; Procrastinate less, or to put it positively, use my time productively; Chronicle the good from the year by keeping a jar of good things that occur during 2013

Yeah I still need to work on these!  I did start keeping a  jar of good things that occur during 2013, but I haven’t put anything in it in quite a while.  Not that good things haven’t happened, I just haven’t been keeping up with recording them.  Perhaps I can add things to the jar retroactively?

Arts & Entertainment

See all of the movies nominated for the best picture Academy Awards (and see the new Star Trek movie); See some plays; Go to some concerts; Take more photos during the year

I’m on track with this one!  I’ve seen a bunch of the Academy Award films — Les Miserables, Zero Dark Thirty, Life of Pi, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, AND Star Trek.  Wow, this is more movies than I’ve seen in a year since high school!

I have a bunch of plays lined up that I am planning on seeing this summer.

I’ve seen Southside Johnny at The Music Hall and The Rat Pack is Back (I’m not sure if that counts as a concert to a play)

I have fallen behind in the take photos category.  I even keep my little camera in my purse, but I never quite get around to snapping pictures.  I use my phone camera, but again, not too often.  Well, the year is young!  I better start taking some or my Christmas card will be photo-less this year!

Travel & Recreation

Go skiing; Go Ice Skating; Take a family trip (even if it is only a weekend)

I did manage to go skiing with my daughter, son and daughter-in-law so that qualifies for skiing and a family trip.  I would have liked to do more skiing and taken a longer trip, but we have to start somewhere!  And I would like to add in a trip with friends to the goals.

As for ice skating, they are talking of building an outdoor skating rink at Strawery Banke in Portsmouth!  I am very excited and if the weather is nice and cold in December, I should be achieve to make this resolution this year!


Practice yoga at least twice a week, preferably 10 times a month; Be able to sit with my legs at a 90 degree angle and touch my chest to the floor or to put it in yoga terms, Upavistha Konasana; Run a 5k in under 24 minutes and/or a 10k in under 50 minutes; Do 20 push ups at once (full push ups!)

Let’s see I was on track with yoga in Jan, Feb fell off a bit.  Then I had a nasty cold and cough and hardly went at all in March and April (couldn’t disturb the class with my constant hacking), but May was right on track — 10 times last month!  All in all, I managed to average about  6 classes per month.

I have been doing a lot of stretching, and working on pushups, but I am no where near my goals yet.

As for running, I have had to scale it back quite a bit as my Achilles tendon has been acting up, and so I haven’t done any speed work yet.  We’ll see about those race times!

Money & Finances

Increase savings 10% over last year; Turn off lights when leaving a room; Turn off water when not in use (brushing teeth, washing dishes)

I’m doing really good with these goals!

Personal Organization

Update all my personal addresses and phone numbers into one master list; Sync all my personal and business calendars to one electronic calendar; Redo my passwords

Haven’t gotten to any of these yet…

My Blogs

Consistently blog 2-3 times per week on personal blog; and 2-3 times per month on my professional blog; Expand the topics of my blogs; Increase visits to my blogs.

I’ve done been keeping up with this blog, and visits have been increasing (thank you!)  I have been a bit slow with my professional blog  (all about marketing and social media).  While I haven’t been posting a lot, I have gotten a lot of “new user registrations”.  These seem to come from odd email addresses and so I don’t know if they are real or some sort of spam.  Any ideas?


Learn how to make a website

Nope, I haven’t done this yet.  But I did download a tutorial on coding.  Now I just have to go through it.

And a few of my favorite resolutions from last year that I carried forward to this year:

Deepen 1-2 friendships; Make 1 new friend; Get together with girl friends at least once a month; visit family monthly; write 52 letters in 52 weeks.

Well my letter writing is off this year, but I am at least writing some letters.  I have indeed gotten together with my friends each month, and as a result I believe I am deepening some friendships.  I don’t think I’ve made a new friend (yet), and I have managed to visit family almost once a month.  So I’m on track with these goals.

All in all, it’s been a good year in terms of these objectives I set forth back in December.  However, as you can see, there are definitely some areas that need attention in the remainder of the year!

Words to Live By!

How true!

Dr Seuss



Powerful words.

It took me a long time to get to the point where I can say that I understand them, and that I am willing to relax, breathe and be patient as my life unfolds.

I certainly don’t always follow this advise…but I am trying.  When I start getting anxious and upset about how I believe the future will unfold, I remind myself to relax, breathe and be patient; to have faith, and to live in the present moment.

The future will take care of itself.

Three Years of Health and Blogging

Today this blog is 3 years old!  Cool, I’ve never managed to keep a journal for more than a few weeks, and I’ve been pretty faithfully posting here for 3 years.  I started this as a means of motivating myself to get back into shape (which you might have guessed from the name of this blog!)  For most of my adult life I was physically active and health conscious, but then I had a 2-3 year lapse while I was dealing with some personal issues.  I ended up gaining about 20 pounds, but even more troublesome was that my cholesterol and triglycerides went up to unhealthy levels.

Bench pressSo in February 2010, I took the first step…I went to the gym.  I also started this blog with this post   The goal of the blog was to 1) keep me motivated to get back into shape and 2) to share my journey and hopefully motivate others.

One year later, in February of 2011  I reported that I had lost 12 pounds, and had gone from barely fitting into the size 8 clothes I had to buy when I gained weight, back into my size 6 clothes.  I had also started making smarter food decisions and eating better.

In my birthday post in 2012 I proudly stated that I had lost most of the excess juicerweight I had gained, and more importantly that my cholesterol numbers were moving back down.  My objectives were to eat healthy are to buy (and use) a juicer and start buying organic vegetables.

Now, three years later, I am doing great!  I am exercising regularly, either running, weight training or practicing yoga. And over the past year, (as you may have noticed in my posts), I have completely changed my dietary habits.

fruits-vegetables-298x232 I am now eating a plant-based diet and have eliminated all dairy products.  If you want to know why I have eliminated dairy, you can check out my earlier post on dairy!  I did indeed buy a juicer and I use it regularly, and I eat mostly local organic fruits and vegetables.

I feel great; my running has improved, and since changing my diet my cholesterol has dropped 34 points and my triglycerides dropped to less than half of what they were!  I attribute this completely to my vegan diet.

My physical fitness goals for the upcoming year are to improve my running times to run a 5K in 24 minutes and a 10K in 50 minutes, to improve my flexibility so that I can stretch out over my legs and get my chest to the floor, and be able to 20 military push ups.

Phew, I have a lot of work to do, stay tuned…

2013 Resolutions!

It’s that time of year again, time for New Year’s Resolutions!  I know it is January 4th already, but I like to take a few days to really think about the past year, and to set my goals for the upcoming year.

I really enjoy making resolutions.  I find that reviewing them throughout the year serves to keep me on track.  And since I’ve been blogging and posting the resolutions publicly, I have done a much better job keeping them!  So here’s to a great 2013!!

At first I was writing these haphazardly, jotting down everything that came to mind.  Then read a fellow blogger’s resolutions and I like the way she categorized hers so as imitation is the greatest form of flattery, I am going to categorize mine this year too!


  • See the positive in every situation, or to follow the advise of  a fellow blogger, play the Glad Game
  • Don’t fret over or complain about issues; either act to change it or accept it
  • Procrastinate less, or to put it positively, use my time productively
  • Chronicle the good from the year by keeping a jar of good things that occur during 2013

Arts & Entertainment

  • See all of the movies nominated for the best picture Academy Awards (and see the new Star Trek movie)
  • See some plays
  • Go to some concerts
  • Take more photos during the year

Travel & Recreation

  • Go skiing
  • Go Ice Skating
  • Take a family trip (even if it is only a weekend)


  • Practice yoga at least twice a week, preferably 10 times a month.
  • Be able to sit with my legs at a 90 degree angle and touch my chest to the floor or to put it in yoga terms, Upavistha Konasana
  • Run a 5k in under 24 minutes and/or a 10k in under 50 minutes
  • Do 20 push ups at once (full push ups!)

Money & Finances

  • Increase savings 10% over last year
  • Turn off lights when leaving a room
  • Turn off water when not in use (brushing teeth, washing dishes)

Personal Organization

  • Update all my personal addresses and phone numbers into one master list
  • Sync all my personal and business calendars to one electronic calendar
  • Redo my passwords

My Blogs

  • Consistently blog 2-3 times per week on personal blog,
  • and 2-3 times per month on my professional blog
  • Expand the topics of my blogs
  • Increase visits to my blogs


  • Learn how to make a website

And I am going to carry forward a few of my favorite resolutions from next year:

  • Deepen 1-2 friendships
  • Make 1 new friend
  • Write 52 letters in 52 weeks
  • Get together with girl friends at least once a month
  • Visit family monthly

My 2012 Reading List

I wanted to share some of the books I read during 2012.  A lot of these I actually listened to during my many long car rides.   It’s funny, typically my genre of choice is fantasy, but this year I only read/listened to one fantasy book.  The primary reason for that would be that my favorite fantasy authors haven’t published any more of their series this year!  I’d love to hear from you about your favorite books of the year.

The most influential books I’ve read are some nutrition books and so I will start with those.


Super Immunity, Joel Fuhrman (audio)

Do you want to live a healthy life through good nutrition?  Then this is your book!

 The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan (audio)

This book is an interesting look at how we omnivore’s go through the process of selecting what to eat.  It looks at the choices we make, both good and bad.  The author doesn’t preach or try to steer the reader into making any one particular choice.  He simply presents the options and the facts.

 The China Study, T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M Campbell II. MD

A must read for anyone who wants to live a healthy life.  A fascinating review of the available research on nutrition and disease, and a report on why this information isn’t more well-known.

Non Fiction

The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement, David Brooks (audio)

This book is a  study of human nature.  But rather than present the material in a dull, text-book type of way, he follows the lives of two fictitious characters as they learn, develop their different personalities, fall in love and  achieve success in their careers and lives.


Dances with Dragons, George R.R. Martin

What can I say.  I love the Song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones) series.  As I started reading these books years and years ago, before I started the newest book, Dances with Dragons, I had to reread the preceding books which I did last year.  While I love the series, this book seemed to go on and on.  The author introduced tons of new characters and a whole new world of people, events, political systems and religions.  I really hope he brings it all together SOON!


The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand (audio)

Last year I listened to Atlas Shrugged and I loved it, so I wanted to read (or listen to) some more of Ayn Rand’s writings.  I enjoyed The Fountainhead, but not as much as Atlas Shrugged.

 I See You Everywhere, Julia Glass (audio)

I thoroughly enjoyed Julia Glass’ novel, Three Junes and so I thought I’d listen to some of her other books.  I See You Everywhere was OK, but not great.

 The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway (audio)

Uggh, boring!  I had read For Whom the Bell Tolls in high school and remembered that I didn’t like it.  But after reading The Paris Wife (which chronicles Ernest Hemingway and his first wife’s life during their marriage as he was writing The Sun Also Rises) I thought I’d give it a try.  I didn’t like it.  I listened to this book and perhaps it was the dry, slow read of the narrator, or simply the dry slow style of Hemingway!

 Locked On, Tom Clancy and Mark Greaney (audio)

Tom Clancy never disappoints!  Locked On was as exciting and as his earlier books.

 Cutting for Stone, Abraham Verghese

An interesting and enjoyable book.  If I had just read the back cover, I never would have picked it up.  But the book came highly recommended and so I read it.  I really enjoyed the characters, the story and the author’s writing style.

Beautiful Ruins, Jess Walter (audio)

I loved this book.  The author wove the story in a beautiful way through different times and locations; from a small harbor town in Italy in the early 1960’s to Hollywood of today.  A great book.

 Shadow of Night, Deborah Harkness

This was book 2 of the All Souls Trilogy.  As is typical with the middle book of a trilogy, this was a bridge between the wonderful book 1, A Discovery of Witches, and what I hope will be a fabulous book 3!  A Discovery of Witches is one of my all time favorite books.  Shadow of Night was good, but not spectacular.  However I have high hopes for book 3 as I enjoy the story and Deborah Harkness’ writing.

 The Casual Vacancy, J.K. Rowlings

This was a very different book for the author of the Harry Potter books.  There were no wizards, magic or cheery endings.  It is set in a small town in England, and the story revolves around the lives of the adults and adolescent children of the town.  It depicts how the life and death of one town officer affects the lives of everyone in that small town.   I really enjoyed the book.

Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell

I picked up this book after seeing the movie.  I totally enjoyed the movie, but was left with the feeling that I was missing something, so I turned to the book.  After reading Cloud Atlas, I can honestly say that the movie did a terrific job portraying the message of the book.  I think this is the only time I can honestly say I enjoyed the movie more than the book!  I highly recommend the movie!!

 Book Club Books

The House at Riverton, Kate Morton

I wouldn’t have ordinarily picked it up, but I enjoyed this story.  I guess that is one of the benefits of a book club.  You get to read books that you would ordinarily never have looked at!

 August Gale: A Father and Daughter’s Journey Into the Storm, Barbara Walsh

A great book.  Barbara Walsh tells the story of the deadly 1935 hurricane that took the lives of many Newfoundland fishermen including her great-grandfather.  She weaves the story of the lives of these fishermen with her father’s childhood in this country, and his struggle to come to terms with his own father who abandoned him as a child — an interesting and exciting story.  I even had the opportunity to hear the author at a local bookshop.

 Back When We Were Grownups, Anne Tyler

There really wasn’t much to this book.  The characters were underdeveloped and had odd nicknames so it was hard to relate to them and keep them straight.  The book had a lot more potential.  Quite a while back I had read Anne Tyler’s book Breathing Lessons, and I vaguely remember feeling like that book could have offered more as well.

 The Book of Fate, Brad Meltzer

An interesting story, but somewhat farfetched.  It made a half-hearted attempt to drag the Freemasons into a conspiracy plot… Not a memorable book.

 The Fifty Shades Trilogy,  RL James

I had to read this as it was assigned by my book club!  I obviously enjoyed parts of it, but it actually got boring!  All right already, move on….  The writing was repetitive and bad, the plot was somewhat interesting as we moved into book 2 and 3, and the ending was ridiculously far-fetched (in my opinion)!

 Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn

I enjoyed this book as I was reading it, but I hated the ending, as did my entire book club!  Did anyone like the ending????

 What Alice Forgot, Liane Moriarty

This story starts with a high-powered, do it all, hover mom in her 40’s hitting her head and blacking out.  When she wakes up, she thinks it is about 15 years earlier.  She thinks she is pregnant with her first child and that she is madly in love with her husband.  In reality, she has 3 children and is in the midst of  a bitter divorce.  She struggles with remembering her life and with the realization that her present self has grown and changed (in many cases for the worse) from the old self she remembers.  I enjoyed how the author worked through Alice’s struggle to remember  how she got to her current jaded, hard and high pressure life and while remembering the current Alice, bring some of the carefree, funny and loving “old Alice” to the present.

History/Historical Fiction

Killing Lincoln, Bill O’Reilly (audio)

Interesting, a quick read (or listen).

 The Paris Wife, Paula McLain

I totally loved this book.  It told the story of Ernest Hemingway’s first wife.  It offered a glimpse into their life and the life of the American writers in Paris during the 20’s, including F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein.  I picked up the book after seeing Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris

 The Constant Princess, Philippa Gregory and The Boleyn Inheritance, Philippa Gregory (both audio)

I decided to read through (actually listen to) Philippa Gregory’s series on the Tudor queens–Interesting stories, great for long drives.   I had to take a break, but I’ll get back to them!

In the new year, I plan to continue reading and listening to book, but I hope to get back to my favorite genre of fantasy.  I have a long list of new fantasy series to delve into and hopefully we will have more from Patrick Rothfuss (The Kingkiller Chronicles, and according to Dragonmount blog, the final book in The Wheel of Time Series is due out next week!

A Change in Plans

Over the years, I’ve gotten more and more comfortable in my own skin…being alone with myself…doing things on my own…being independent. Perhaps one of my New Year’s resolutions will be to branch out and do more things on my own. Especially those things I want to do that maybe others don’t or can’t do with me.

OK starting tonight. A set of circumstances has found me in a lovely hotel on the coast of Maine and dinner reservations at a local restaurant. However, my dinner companion is down for the count with a sudden illness. Soooo, rather than simply cancel my reservation, I changed it from 2 people at 8:00pm to 1 person at 5:30.

As a matter of fact I have an opened, bottle of fabulous wine (Henschke, Hill of Grace, 2001) — can’t let that go to waste. I think I will have a glass before dinner.

Wow, going out to dinner by myself on New Year’s Eve.

Yes I can do this.

2012 — My Year in Review

Last year I was introduced to this questionnaire on my cousin Lisa’s blog.  It really provides a nice framework for reviewing and reminiscing about the year, and so I borrowed the idea of answering these questions as a recap of the year.  This is my second annual Year in Review.  (My post for 2011 can be found here).  This is a fun exercise and a great way to summarize the year and I recommend that everyone gives it a try.  Let me know if you do!

What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?  I participated yoga malain a local Yoga Mala.  A yoga mala is comprised of 108 Sun Salutations performed in variety of yoga styles.  The mala was  led by teachers from a bunch of different yoga studios throughout the area.


Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I kept a lot of them and posted ‎on my achievements.  I have made resolutions in the past, but this year I kept track of them and reviewed them throughout the year to stay on track.  I will definitely make more for next year, and will even keep a few of this year’s resolutions going.

Did anyone close to you give birth? My cousin’s son Christopher and Christopher’s wife Meagan had a beautiful baby boy, Brian.

Did anyone close to you die? Two members of my extended family, Kathy and Sally, both lost their mothers this year.  They were both wonderful women and they are dearly missed.

 What countries did you visit? No foreign countries this year, but in the Ski Town USAUS, I traveled to Steamboat Springs Colorado for a ski trip with my daughter, Kelsey; to New Jersey to visit my Dad and other family; Virginia to visit my kids; Newport, Rhode Island a few times for work.  I took many trips to various spots on the coast of Maine, including an upcoming New Year’s trip to Camden (Maine), and I spent time across the border in Massachusetts, mostly Newburyport and Boston.

What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?  I can honestly say that I didn’t lack anything in 2012.  Some things I would like to do in 2013 are to take some local New England ski days and/or weekends, go ice skating, and take a family trip with my kids.

What date from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory? That would have to be September 22, 2012, the day of my son’s wedding!

What was your biggest achievement of the year? Personally, I completed the Seacoast Half Marathon in 3 minutes faster than last year.  Professionally, I started working with Worldways Social Marketing.

What was your biggest failure? I honestly can’t categorize anything as a failure in 2012.

Did you suffer illness or injury? No! I was nice and healthy in 2012.

What was the best thing you bought?  New skis.  Now I need to get out 051and use them!!



Whose behavior merited celebration? Once again this year, my children share this honor; Taylor and Nora for getting married, and having a wonderful celebration for family and friends. And Kelsey for getting a terrific job, moving to a fabulous apartment and staying sane during major transitions!

Where did most of your money go? I did manage to get my money and long term savings in order this year.  Most of my money went to savings and my mortgage payments.  As for my “mad money”, most of it went to dinners out, and Christmas presents.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

IMG_9738 Taylor and Nora’s wedding!




What song will always remind you of 2012?  Gangnam Style, Come Fly with Me, the song my son and I danced to at his wedding.

Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or sadder? — Equally as happy
Thinner or fatter? – Thinner!  And healthier as I’ve adopted a vegan diet
Richer or poorer? – Richer

What do you wish you’d done more of? Skiing, weight training, yoga and meditation, and keeping up with my blogs.

 What do you wish you’d done less of? Watching the news!

How will you be (or did you) spend Christmas? I had a great Christmas DSCN1158with family.  I was able to spend the holiday with my father, my son Taylor, daughter-in-law Nora, and my daughter Kelsey.   Usually I don’t get them all for Christmas, so this year was extra special.

Every year my family has a big Christmas Eve dinner.  This year my cousin Carolyn and I hosted the traditional 7 fish dinner.  And it turned out wonderfully!  The company was terrific, the food was great, and everyone had an excellent time.  On Christmas Day we had fun opening our presents and hanging out together.  We went to another wonderful dinner at my cousins Michael and Sally’s home.  We shared dinner with them, their son Christopher, his wife Meagan, and their little kids.  It is so much fun to have little ones around!

And then the next day we had a “cousin’s dinner” at a local restaurant. It was a blast.  Almost all of my cousins (on my mother’s side) and their children were able to attend.  Unfortunately my kids had already left to go back home so they missed out.  But we had a terrific mini family reunion.

Did you fall in love in 2012?  Let’s assume this question is really asking, “How is your love life?” to which I will answer – good.

Who were your best friends? My best friends don’t change, so I’m going to change this question to: “Did you make a new friend this year and/or get closer to an acquaintance?” I did make some new friends this year.  I met Nora’s family, specifically her mother June, grandmother Aida, Aunt Patty, her father Andrew, Uncle Juan, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Tony and Phyllis – all wonderful people!  I also met new friends at Worldways.  And, I rekindled a friendship with my first college friend, Nancy thanks to Facebook.

What thing did you do that was meaningful to others?  Hmmm, that’s a tough one.  I hope I’ve motivated some people through this blog to eat more healthily and exercise.   I also hope I helped my daughter by keeping her motivated and upbeat during her job search.

What was your favorite TV program? My favorite shows continue to be: Parenthood, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, and American Idol.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Oh let’s phrase this differently, “Have any of your relationships worsened over the past year?” — No

What was the best book you read? I read (and listened to) a lot of good books this year.  The most influential book was The China Study – I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in health and nutrition.  My favorite fiction books were: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walters, and The Paris Wife by Paula McLain, both great stories.

 What was your greatest musical discovery? The Spectrum on my XM Satellite Radio… A great station playing an Adult Album Rock format, a blend of current and classic softer rock

What did you want and get? I wanted and I got myself new skis, a new TV and a new phone.

What did you want and not get? Nothing really!

What was your favorite film of this year? Midnight in Paris, and of course, The Hobbit!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I went out to dinner with a special friend for my 53rd birthday.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? A booming economy or at least a glimmer of hope that the economy will improve soon!

What kept you sane? Running, yoga, reading and spending the spring and summer on the water

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I really don’t have much use for celebrities, and our public figures leave much to be desired!

What political issue stirred you the most? The never-ending election

Who did you miss? My family when I’m away from them, and my mother

Who was the best new person you met this year? Maureen, owner of Worldways Social Marketing, her husband Mark, and their entire staff!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012:  Networking, and hard work yields their just rewards.

Quote that sums up your year:  Mine is concerning the Mayan calendar and the end of the year

“But concerning that day and hour (the end of the world) no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. – Matthew 24:36