Tag Archives: Year in Review

2012 — My Year in Review

Last year I was introduced to this questionnaire on my cousin Lisa’s blog.  It really provides a nice framework for reviewing and reminiscing about the year, and so I borrowed the idea of answering these questions as a recap of the year.  This is my second annual Year in Review.  (My post for 2011 can be found here).  This is a fun exercise and a great way to summarize the year and I recommend that everyone gives it a try.  Let me know if you do!

What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?  I participated yoga malain a local Yoga Mala.  A yoga mala is comprised of 108 Sun Salutations performed in variety of yoga styles.  The mala was  led by teachers from a bunch of different yoga studios throughout the area.


Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I kept a lot of them and posted ‎on my achievements.  I have made resolutions in the past, but this year I kept track of them and reviewed them throughout the year to stay on track.  I will definitely make more for next year, and will even keep a few of this year’s resolutions going.

Did anyone close to you give birth? My cousin’s son Christopher and Christopher’s wife Meagan had a beautiful baby boy, Brian.

Did anyone close to you die? Two members of my extended family, Kathy and Sally, both lost their mothers this year.  They were both wonderful women and they are dearly missed.

 What countries did you visit? No foreign countries this year, but in the Ski Town USAUS, I traveled to Steamboat Springs Colorado for a ski trip with my daughter, Kelsey; to New Jersey to visit my Dad and other family; Virginia to visit my kids; Newport, Rhode Island a few times for work.  I took many trips to various spots on the coast of Maine, including an upcoming New Year’s trip to Camden (Maine), and I spent time across the border in Massachusetts, mostly Newburyport and Boston.

What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?  I can honestly say that I didn’t lack anything in 2012.  Some things I would like to do in 2013 are to take some local New England ski days and/or weekends, go ice skating, and take a family trip with my kids.

What date from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory? That would have to be September 22, 2012, the day of my son’s wedding!

What was your biggest achievement of the year? Personally, I completed the Seacoast Half Marathon in 3 minutes faster than last year.  Professionally, I started working with Worldways Social Marketing.

What was your biggest failure? I honestly can’t categorize anything as a failure in 2012.

Did you suffer illness or injury? No! I was nice and healthy in 2012.

What was the best thing you bought?  New skis.  Now I need to get out 051and use them!!



Whose behavior merited celebration? Once again this year, my children share this honor; Taylor and Nora for getting married, and having a wonderful celebration for family and friends. And Kelsey for getting a terrific job, moving to a fabulous apartment and staying sane during major transitions!

Where did most of your money go? I did manage to get my money and long term savings in order this year.  Most of my money went to savings and my mortgage payments.  As for my “mad money”, most of it went to dinners out, and Christmas presents.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

IMG_9738 Taylor and Nora’s wedding!




What song will always remind you of 2012?  Gangnam Style, Come Fly with Me, the song my son and I danced to at his wedding.

Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or sadder? — Equally as happy
Thinner or fatter? – Thinner!  And healthier as I’ve adopted a vegan diet
Richer or poorer? – Richer

What do you wish you’d done more of? Skiing, weight training, yoga and meditation, and keeping up with my blogs.

 What do you wish you’d done less of? Watching the news!

How will you be (or did you) spend Christmas? I had a great Christmas DSCN1158with family.  I was able to spend the holiday with my father, my son Taylor, daughter-in-law Nora, and my daughter Kelsey.   Usually I don’t get them all for Christmas, so this year was extra special.

Every year my family has a big Christmas Eve dinner.  This year my cousin Carolyn and I hosted the traditional 7 fish dinner.  And it turned out wonderfully!  The company was terrific, the food was great, and everyone had an excellent time.  On Christmas Day we had fun opening our presents and hanging out together.  We went to another wonderful dinner at my cousins Michael and Sally’s home.  We shared dinner with them, their son Christopher, his wife Meagan, and their little kids.  It is so much fun to have little ones around!

And then the next day we had a “cousin’s dinner” at a local restaurant. It was a blast.  Almost all of my cousins (on my mother’s side) and their children were able to attend.  Unfortunately my kids had already left to go back home so they missed out.  But we had a terrific mini family reunion.

Did you fall in love in 2012?  Let’s assume this question is really asking, “How is your love life?” to which I will answer – good.

Who were your best friends? My best friends don’t change, so I’m going to change this question to: “Did you make a new friend this year and/or get closer to an acquaintance?” I did make some new friends this year.  I met Nora’s family, specifically her mother June, grandmother Aida, Aunt Patty, her father Andrew, Uncle Juan, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Tony and Phyllis – all wonderful people!  I also met new friends at Worldways.  And, I rekindled a friendship with my first college friend, Nancy thanks to Facebook.

What thing did you do that was meaningful to others?  Hmmm, that’s a tough one.  I hope I’ve motivated some people through this blog to eat more healthily and exercise.   I also hope I helped my daughter by keeping her motivated and upbeat during her job search.

What was your favorite TV program? My favorite shows continue to be: Parenthood, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, and American Idol.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Oh let’s phrase this differently, “Have any of your relationships worsened over the past year?” — No

What was the best book you read? I read (and listened to) a lot of good books this year.  The most influential book was The China Study – I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in health and nutrition.  My favorite fiction books were: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walters, and The Paris Wife by Paula McLain, both great stories.

 What was your greatest musical discovery? The Spectrum on my XM Satellite Radio… A great station playing an Adult Album Rock format, a blend of current and classic softer rock

What did you want and get? I wanted and I got myself new skis, a new TV and a new phone.

What did you want and not get? Nothing really!

What was your favorite film of this year? Midnight in Paris, and of course, The Hobbit!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I went out to dinner with a special friend for my 53rd birthday.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? A booming economy or at least a glimmer of hope that the economy will improve soon!

What kept you sane? Running, yoga, reading and spending the spring and summer on the water

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I really don’t have much use for celebrities, and our public figures leave much to be desired!

What political issue stirred you the most? The never-ending election

Who did you miss? My family when I’m away from them, and my mother

Who was the best new person you met this year? Maureen, owner of Worldways Social Marketing, her husband Mark, and their entire staff!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012:  Networking, and hard work yields their just rewards.

Quote that sums up your year:  Mine is concerning the Mayan calendar and the end of the year

“But concerning that day and hour (the end of the world) no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. – Matthew 24:36

12-12-12: My Year in 12 Pictures

I wanted to do an end of the year post chronicling my year in photos, and then I came upon this challenge from a fellow blogger at Three31 to write a blog based on the number 12 in celebration for this final repeat month/day/year day in our lifetimes (the next one won’t come until January 1, 2111!  And so here goes.

12 Photos that showcased 2012, compiled on 12/12/12


097 The year started off with a ski trip with my daughter to Steamboat, Colorado.  It was a great trip.  We enjoyed skiing, snowboarding, gourmet lunches on the mountain, vegan entrees at a Mexican restaurant, shopping in town and of course the Hot Springs


Typically an ironically long, cold and in-between month, I didn’t do a whole lot heatin February.  I did however participate in a Yoga Mala for the benefit of (H)EAT a local charity providing heating assistance to local families.


brenda, diane, grace 3.23.12My birthday month!  This year I had the chance to go to my old town in Virginia and visited with some great friends.  As you can see, a good time was had by all!


Ah Spring is in the air…I kicked off my race season with a Memorial Run for a chief maloney runlocal Police chief, Michael Maloney.  Even though I had a horrific cold, I felt strong and had fun during the 5.6 mile charity run.


DSCN0868With the nice weather came a flurry of activity; visiting family, boat trips, seeing George and Barbara Bush at the Memorial Day Parade in Kennebunkport, but the photo I want to share is of the perennial garden I had put in.  (Notice I didn’t say that I put in!)  A lot of work was involved in digging up the grass and planting a lot of perennials.  I always wanted to do this and knew I wouldn’t get around to it, so I had a local gardener who is a friend of a friend do the work.  The garden bloomed beautifully all summer and fall and I know it will give me years of beauty and enjoyment!


In June we had an impromptu “cousins’ dinner”.  It was great to get together with  DSCN0907so many of my cousins.  As there wasn’t a single picture with everyone in it, I had to post two pictures for this DSCN0906one.  And even with that, some people are missing from the photos!


DSCN0990Summer finally arrives in NH and boating season is in full swing.  This year a trip up to Boothbay Harbor and Monhegan Island got the summer off to a great start.  Monhegan is a small, rocky Island ten miles from the mainland and barely a square mile in area. It is accessible only by boat and there are no cars or paved roads on the Island.  Its roots as an artist colony date back to the mid 1800’s.  Most notably it was home to Jamie, Andrew and N.C. Wyeth.  Currently only about 75 people live on Monhegan island.


In August I met my future daughter-in-law’s mother and grandmother.  What August wonderful people!  We had a great visit.  Enjoyed a few dinners together and even spent an evening at a wine bar.  You really can’t beat bonding over a few glasses of nice red wine.


The highlight of September, actually of the year, was my son’s wedding!  It was a IMG_9738beautiful wedding set in a lovely spot in Lewisburg, WV.  A lot of family as well as two of my very close friends from childhood came.  Since none of us were local, we spent a nice long weekend in Lewisburg and took in the sites.  We had a wonderful brunch at The Greenbrier and enjoyed shopping (and eating) in the picturesque town of Lewisburg.  The wedding itself was wonderful, with lots of dancing!


DSCN1106In October, my 35th High School reunion rolled around.  It was fun.  I went with my high school friend.  We had a great time.  Unfortunately our core group of friends from high school didn’t go so we didn’t see a lot of old friends, but we talked to all sorts of people that we vaguely knew from 35 years ago!  As you can tell from this picture, there was some drinking involved!


On November 11, I ran in my second Seacoast Half Marathon!  Yeah me!!  Not Seacoast Half Marathon 2only that, but I improved my time from last year by almost 3 minutes,  I felt good during the race, and even felt good when I finished (unlike last year when I had knee  pain during the race and felt atrocious after the race!)


DSCN1137So far, besides working, December has been spent decorating, shopping and wrapping.  I really enjoy the holiday season and all the hubbub it brings!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and/or Happy Kwanzaa!